My First Blog Post Anywhere

My First Blog Post Anywhere

    I'm sitting here wondering what to write in my first blog post anywhere. I'm no "budding author" and have no intentions of trying to become one. I created this site to more easily share a bit of information about retirement and retirement planning. I'm no wizard on the subject of retirement, proven most eloquently by the fact that I'm still working as I write this. So why the blog? In 2020 I started to think hard about retirement. I was into my 60's. My employer was offering some people something like an early retirement/voluntary severance package. I felt I was completely unprepared for the situation I was in for several months. I decided to send an email to a few of my friends. Some in my situation - still working. Some already retired. I started to ask questions. I shared some YouYube videos. I did things to try to encourage discussion and sharing about the subject of retirement.
    The word started to spread and new people asked if they could be added to my email distribution list. Every time someone new was added, I felt compelled to send them all the previous messages I'd sent on the subject, and this was no fun. I wondered if some sort of blog setup would help me keep track of the things I'd already sent? Then it would be easy enough to point new people to the blog site to catch up at their own pace. This blog is my first attempt at this. I'm not going for a large audience. Just a place to share with a few friends and colleagues.

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Jamie Larson